Earth Day

Its April 22, 2022, which means its Earth Day!

However full disclosure, I believe every day is earth day. I am currently sitting on a train en route to visit a Fulbright friend and I find myself reflecting on what this day means to me. I keep coming back to “earth day” being a mindset. It is the values and principles you carry throughout your day-to-day life. April 22 itself acts as a reminder, a day to check in, and for us to talk about, share, and inspire one another to do better for our planet. This is a time for compassion and empathy but also for innovation and solutions. Consider the day as an opportunity of reflection but also of action. Even if it is one small effort: a pledge to no more plastic bottles or bags, a contribution to a clean-up group (whether participation or financial), a letter to a government official showing your support for climate protection/action in legislation, starting that garden you’ve been thinking about each year, supporting more local farmers, planting a damn tree, there are options folks! 

Huk Strand, Bygdøy

My Instagram feed is full of earth day posts, and I am loving it! As much as a dislike social media at times, it certainly has its moments of positivity and inspiration. It also allows me to fill in the gaps of a very hazy few years (I’m not the only one who lost track of the past two years right??) and find out what I have been up to on previous earth days…..

On April 22, 2020, I gave my (virtual) thesis presentation. I was able to share the inspiration behind Among the Tides and explain what motivates me as an artist. It was the early days of zoom life and I’m not going to lie I was uncomtorable in front of the screen. It was a very emotionally odd way to celebrate ending my three years as a graduate student…. So to fully celebrate my husband and I went for a beach walk and picked up trash ( he knows the way to my heart for sure!) 

On April 22, 2021, I was hanging out with the amazing Suzie Flores on a boat, harvesting for Stonington Kelp Co. I was lucky enough to cross paths with this fanastic indivudal in 2019 and have been friends ever since. While I was waiting to go on the Fulbright grant to Norway, Suzie invited me to help out with the seaweed farm. The more I learn about seaweed and its benefits for us and the ocean, the more I am hooked on it as a delicious solution for the future. Check out my kelp blog for more on the awesomeness of Stonington Kelp Co. 

And on April 22, 2022, I am on a train, in Norway, working on a book about plastic and nature. It is a collaboration with an environmental chemist and sociologist, and it feels totally right to be working on it right now. The book reveals the not-so hidden reality of pollution in the environment and (hopefully) trains our eyes and minds to see and understand the situation we are in today. 

So, how is your Earth Day 2022 going?

What reflections and thoughts are you having?

What is your call to action on April 22, 2022?