What the heck does that mean? It means it helps fix some of the ongoing problems our waters are facing. Kelp absorbs carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus which helps fight warming ocean temperature and ocean acidification.
Collecting water samples for the lab tests.
And while all of the absorption traits of kelp are positive perks for the ocean, they are not necessarily good for human consumption. That is why it is so important to know where your kelp is coming from AND what the testing protocols are. Because kelp absorbs all its nutrition from the water and sun, if it grows in waterways contaminated with heavy metals or with a higher concentration of dangerous bacteria, it will absorb the contaminates.
Stonington Kelp Co is farmed in aquaculture approved waters and tested for heavy metals and bacteria by the department of agriculture to ensure quality and safety.
Collecting sugar kelp samples.
Every season, the awesome folks from DEEP jump on the boat and make the trip out to the farm. Once there, they take numerous water samples and the first cuttings of the seaweed harvest season. The kelp can not be sold until the tests all come back and the farm is cleared for quality and safety. I don’t know about you all, but I like knowing where my food comes from as much as possible and that it is safe to eat!
Jay holding a line during quality check.